Word of the Year
Do you know what I find super funny? The fact that as a culture we have become hyper obsessed with January 1st. There actually isn't anything special about this day in particular. But somehow, we feel like if we don’t have every single goal created before the New Year then we have already blown it. THAT is a lot of pressure!
Do you know what’s super cool? ANY time you can start fresh.
Yes even AFTER January 1st. Can I get an #amen.
I have been an avid dream board, goal setting ninja for most of my adult life.
However, #moming gives me a lot less time for this, so I have simplified my process and wanted to share it with you in hopes that it would encourage you to purposefully pursue 2019 with more joy and intention! (yes, even though it is January 5th! Procrastinators unite!!)
So if you love the idea of setting fresh intentions and goal setting for a new year, but don’t have a clue where to start, this blog post is for you! These are all simple and things you can do at naptime! Do all 5 or just pick a few that feel right to you :)
Do a year end review
So often we plow through and never analyze or look back. We are always onto bigger and better things. Sometimes we forget how much we have already accomplished!!
Task: Go through your calendar and write down a few things you did from each month. Maybe you took a family trip, celebrated a birthday party, started a new job or business, or had a baby!
2. Ask yourself (and I recommend writing it down) these questions:
-What was my favorite part of this year?
-What am I most proud of?
-What lessons did I learn?
-What would I like to do differently next year?
-What books did I read?
-What were some of the highlight moments?
3. Think about how you want to feel this year.
So often we set goals based on what it will look like to others, or what we THINK we should focus on. Every goal we strive towards is because we want to FEEL a certain way. So I recommend first choosing how you want to feel then crafting goals that will help you feel the way you want to feel. I learned this concept from Danielle Laporte’s book “Desire map” I highly recommend checking it out!
I choose a new word most years and have a few I have kept the same year after year-this year my words are:
WONDER--I want to see the world like my daughter, I want to laugh and play and look at life through the eyes of a child. And just plain have more fun.
RADIANT-I want to use my gifts and talents to shine radiantly into this world and create inspiration and tangible advice to help others fall in life with the life they are living.
DEPENDENT- I want to stop being self sufficient in my life and lean on the God of the universe to support and guide me in everything I do. My parenting, marriage, work, friendships and day to day life. All of it.
4. Create goals based on your words for the year.
Once you have your word(s) You can work backwards and choose goals that fit them. So maybe your word is LIGHT--what would make you feel this way? Would it be eating light refreshing foods? Would it mean cleaning out that closet that is stuffed to the brim?
Write down your goals- (I like to choose a health goal, work goal, family goal, money goal and spiritual goal) Don’t overthink, these are not set it stone! You can always scratch one off or change them
5. Keep it simple
Writing down 20+ goals you will never achieve sets you up to feel like a failure. Create goals that make you excited to get moving but that don’t overwhelm you to the point of feeling exhausted before you even start. If there is no way your income would allow you to save $10,000 in a year don’t make that a goal. Maybe a more achievable goal would be to save $100 per month. That will give you a win and actually help you stay motivated.
Remember this too:
You are a new creation each and every day. It’s a waste of your time to dwell on the past. You failures are not final. Last year is over. Put your past behind you and press forward towards your unfolding purpose.
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. ”
Action step:
After reading this post, go into the Facebook group and tell us your word(s) for the year!!
Let’s use the thread to inspire and support one another :)
The ✨ RADIANCE REVOLUTION ✨ is a monthly membership program where I give you the tools, inspiration, support, and community you need to be the kind of mother and human you are meant to be! You’ll learn ways you can achieve harmony in your home, health, relationships and money and you will be supported every step of your journey. The Radiance Revolution will help you wake up excited for your life
Hi, I'm Julia
I help moms clear clutter in their homes and hearts so they can focus on what matters.
The ✨ RADIANCE REVOLUTION ✨ is a monthly membership program where I give you the tools, inspiration, support, and community you need to be the kind of mother and human you are meant to be! You’ll learn ways you can achieve harmony in your home, health, relationships and money and you will be supported every step of your journey. The #MOMBOD Revolution will help you wake up excited for your life
Ready to Live Simplified and on Purpose?
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