Starting Small
At times, when I start to talk about decluttering, some people shut down. It is easy to see why. The typical day of a normal life is SO packed. Keeping the house clean, feeding the family, and getting a decent amount of sleep fill every hour. It can be an exhausting endeavor, and some days, I admit that I can barely do it.
Does it feel like the task of decluttering is simply adding one more thing to your already full to-do list? I understand!
But here’s the caveat - when you have less stuff in your home, you have less to clean, less to manage, and less to tidy. So in Lieu of sending you perfectly organized Pinterest photos of a space that feels impossible to recreate, I want to educate you today on how to start where you are, use what you have, and actually make progress.
The idea of “starting where you are” might sound obvious, but there is magic in its simplicity. One, tiny project per day (that might take as little as two to five minutes to complete) will begin to make a difference over time.
One of my favorite authors, Lara Casey, tells us that “bit by bit, progress adds up” and that slow growth is OK. I believe it is more than just OK. I think slow growth is actually necessary and probably the best way for busy moms to move forward.
Flowers require time to root and bloom, and so do we.
When I first started decluttering my house, I began with the smallest project I could think of because I was completely overwhelmed. Guess what I picked? My junk drawer! Now don’t get me wrong, it may have been small but it was a mess. But once I poured everything out, pared down and organized what was in front of me (in other words, decluttered), I had spent about five minutes on this first project - and I felt more empowered than I had in a long time.
This is what I want you to identify and focus on now. What is the tiniest project you can work on and actually complete today? Seriously! Think small - how about one shelf of glassware in a kitchen cabinet, one portion of your pantry, one section of your coat closet, one category of clothing? Keep it small and manageable!
Now I want to hear from you! Tell me below which tiny project are going to complete today? (Bonus points if you let me know how you feel when it is done.) Let this be a five-minute assignment and no more! I look forward to hearing your choice.
And if you need #HELP getting started, download my Radiant Mom Starter kit. Its packed with ideas, isnpiration and step by step tools to get started AND! its totally free!