Embrace Rest & Avoid Burnout with These 5 Easy Tips

If you are feeling exhausted all the time, it is no wonder! Subconsciously or not, we Mommas tend to believe that we need to “earn” our rest. Our culture tells us that in order to rest, sleep, read, or do something fun, we need to “get it all done first”. Since that is impossible for most of us, I’m going to share my secrets so you can embrace rest and avoid burnout. 

The most glaring issue that I have with this mentality of “work first rest later,” is that you are setting yourself up for failure from the beginning. Life rarely ever feels caught up, and we can always find another chore to do if we look for it. So sadly, this mentality means we never actually rest or take time to enjoy the lives we are working so hard at creating. 

Here is the thing; our bodies know when they need a break, and will do whatever it takes to get your brain to notice. Yes, you feel tired, but there are other signs, too. You may be snappy with your family, get sick more often, and even start to feel resentful that you are doing everything all the time. Resentment is a bitter tea, my friends! All of this resentment, lack of sleep, and no recovery time will push you down the path to burnout.

I have a friend who lives in this peaceful place where she knows when it is time to work, and when she needs to set that work aside to rest (even when the work isn’t done!). I have learned a lot from watching her, and it is inspiring to know that it is possible to manage your busy life while still taking mental-health breaks. So open yourself up to the idea that you don’t need to do anything to deserve to rest, and that you can relax in the “undone”. 

This isn’t some magical way of living, and you can totally embrace rest in your life again. I am a total “do-er” and could keep on doing and choring well into the night! So if I can learn to fit a little down-time into my day, you can too.

5 Easy Tips to Embrace Rest & Avoid Burnout 

  1. Choose what you will do with your down time in advance. I straight up self-sabotaged my own downtime the other day… I had this magical window when both my kids were napping, and then I spent 25 minutes trying to figure out to do with my time. By the time I finally picked up a book, of course they were awake. Bye-bye rested momma! 

    In order to prevent wasting your opportunities to rest, take some time to think about how you would like to relax! Heck, even write it down. “When it is time to rest, I will…” Is it read, nap, garden, watch a show? Maybe even just watching the world go by outside your window is your jam. 

  2. Do a quick brain dump. If you can’t take a break because your head is swirling with all the things you need to get done, make a list or write it down. It feels super liberating, and frees up that brain space to allow you to rest. Plus, the list is there waiting for you when it’s time to get back at it. 

    Read: Lose the Daily To-Do List, and Do This Instead! 

  3. Use a timer. Sometimes, a task really needs to get done. When a task is standing between you and much-needed downtime, use a timer. When my kids go down for a nap, I set a timer for 15 minutes. During that time, I do a general tidy and pick-up of the house, and wow it’s amazing what I can do in 15 minutes! I know that without that timer, I’d just keep on cleaning up and lose myself in it. This way, I can relax in a slightly tidier home, feel like I got something done (I did!), and take a bit of time to let my brain and body rest. 

  4. Try resting FIRST. Do the opposite of timing your task, and try timing your rest. This works really well if you are an excessive do-er like me. If you keep finding things to do that stop you from taking a break, make a rule that you prioritize rest FIRST. Give yourself 15 minutes (or whatever) to read your book or do something you enjoy, and then you can jump up and tackle the rest of your tasks. 

  5. Choose integrity in your actions. This sounds a little harsh, but it might kick your mindset in the butt. Are you acting in integrity with what you say you want to do? We wouldn’t break a promise to someone we care about, but we so often find a way to wiggle out of our own needs, wants, and goals. If you want to start taking restful breaks, why aren’t you? If you need accountability on this one, reach out to your spouse or your friend. 

These little tips will help you avoid burnout from constantly being on the go, because you will have taken time to rest when you need it. The resentment will be gone, and you can go back to the waiting tasks with renewed energy later. The best part? You will feel like a whole human again (yay!). We aren’t made to go-go-go all day every day, and these tips will help you find and maintain a much more sustainable pace. 

So tell me, which tip resonates with you? How are you going to try and add more rest into your day? 

Remember, rest is not a luxury, and is truly important for your health, to feel rejuvenated, and to be whole and happy for yourself and your family.



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