Momma, you can create a lifegiving home, full of simplicity, joy and beauty.
Motherhood and running your home doesn’t have to be a never-ending list of to-do’s while you struggle to catch up.
You didn’t become a Mom so that you could spend your precious life cleaning, organizing, reorganizing, and maintaining all of your stuff all of the time - only to go through the same thing all over again the next week.
When you imagined your home and children, it didn’t include a frazzled, draining, clutter-filled house and heart. And you certainly didn’t sign up to be burdened and exhausted by your life.
Don’t let the world trick you into thinking that having kids equals a messy and clutter-filled home. It’s time to stop stepping on legos and adding to your never-ending mental to-do list.
It’s time for change.
Because a rich home life is what you deserve.
learn the tricks of the trade
Minimalism Guide
(For Moms Who Still Want To Shop At Target) Download this free guide to start learning how to be a SIMPLE and SANE minimalist, and make your home a place you LOVE being in!
Kids Capsule Class
Want your kids to have an easy way to get dressed every morning (and not look like crazy people) while you sip your HOT coffee instead of having an all out clothes battle? This one’s for you!
Your Harmonized Home
An online course for moms who want a simplified home and life (but still want to buy cute throw pillows and candles at Target). Get on the waitlist to learn more about the launch of this program!

Hi, I’m Julia!
I love nachos, my favorite color is sparkle (yes, that’s a color!) and most days you can find me having a living room dance party, but promptly going to bed at 9pm :)
I want to help you create a simplified, decluttered and easy to maintain home you LOVE being in.
I promise you, I’ve been there! I’ve been frazzled and overwhelmed with the toys strewn across every room, my multiple junk drawers and piles jammed full, and not being able to find even the most basic things when I needed them. Then, I SIMPLIFIED my home from top to bottom.AND IT CHANGED EVERYTHING.
It’s time to clear the clutter. Slowly. Bit by bit. With support systems, checklists, and confident forward movement. We can do this together.
The peaceful home you need is there - we just need to uncover it! It is about surrounding yourself with what brings you joy, and essentializing what you own so it stops owning you.
kind words from kind people
When you invest in any program with me, it's gonna go further than just you.
Did you know that over 70% of teen mothers live in poverty? And many are either homeless or living in abusive homes. Hope House of Colorado is a non-profit that provides care, education, housing and support — and most importantly — community for teen mothers living in the Denver metro area.
Every purchase of a training or course means that you’ll be helping support these moms. 10% of all proceeds will go directly to Hope House Colorado.